susie girl!!

hey folks,

do you know when calvin first talked about susie? And what was the first thing they said to each other?


Varuag said…
infinite randomeness does sound ........well........random
But to expect mature (maybe bit elderly) people to have infinite randomness is stupifying as I think randomness peaks during 20's or so but then wanes subsequently. Its more of a Gaussian curve though a tad-bit distorted.
Maddie said…
:) - I can never stop but smile on the ah-mazingly hilarious Calvin n Hobbes!

I remember one in which Calvin walks up to his dad and tells him: "Dad, i wannabe a millionnaire". The conversation continues as follows:
Dad: (smiling) "That's very good ambition, Calvin. But for that you've got to work very hard!"
Calvin: " No Dad, for that YOU have to work very hard"
Dad: (Confused) "Well... Why?"
Calvin: "you see, i only wan tto inherit the money"


One more:
Night time. The phone rings. Calvin picks the rcvr
Calvin: "Calvin here"
voice on the other side: "Hi Calvin, Can i speak to your dad?"
Calvin: "sure"
And Calvin hangs the phone
Calvin: (Thought bubble): "Wonder why he was asking my permission to speak to my dad"

Am a major fan of Calvin Hobbes n Asterix

Your post made me smile in this hectic day - Thanks!! :)


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