trip out

... after ages! visited Chidambaram this weekend... Oh man, overwhelming! A beautiful temple dedicated to the Lord of Dance - and the Universe. The world is said to exist only as the Dance of Shiva. In his movement.

Which is precisely what quantum physics says - in a different way... Every particle animated... So much that you are no longer sure if its a particle! It has to be a pure energy wave... but hey, you can see it, and if there's enough of it you can touch & feel it... no, it has to be a particle.... Or both may be? Maybe neither... does it exist at all, except in your imagination? :)

Read Fritjof Capra's 'Dance of Shiva'. Am sure his work is not the first in integrating modern physics with ancient Eastern philosophy, yet it was a first for me...

Surprised to find an article on Nanotechnology in this month's RD. Wrote a paper on it once (all copied from the net, in the days when someone had to teach me how to log on to the Internet, note the capital I, and what 'search' meant... just 8-9 years ago, but what a difference in lifestyle, intelligence, access to info, connectedness (on top of connectivity)!). The upshot of the paper was that nanoelectronics & nanotechnology is cutting edge research stuff and is going to hugely impact the way we live. The professor thought we should have done more 'practical' work. I saw that article in RD and basked in a sort of retroactive glory. Ha! I knew this was a winner long before the world took notice. I surfed those crudely done html pages and saw potential in a new way of thinking! Ha again!

But cutting the crap - Chidambaram was awesome! The gopuram is woven out of gold leaves - 21,600 of them, to signify the number of breaths a human being takes in a day. The leaves are nailed with 72,000 nails denoting the number of nerves in a human body. The Lord dances in Chittrambalam, with the Ponnambalam in front of him. The secret chamber of Chidambaram is to his right...

This secret chamber signifies a concept that highlights how brilliantly subtle our philosophy is. The Universe is made up of Panchabhutas - the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. There are several spots in the world where a particular energy is highest. Chidambaram resonates to Space. It is in Space that the Lord dances, and it is this Space that is worshipped. As the cymbals twang, the aarti lights are waved in front of the dark chamber - you strain your neck and perk up and see - nothing. Or rather, you see Space. Adorned with a few strands of golden Konrai flowers slightly swaying in all this excitement, is Space. What is nothing, is everything. This is the Space of the Universe, the Space in your heart, the Space between people - it can be nothing, or everything.... And just as the Lord dances in Chittrambalam - literally, the Space of Cit, or Mind - He dances in Perambalam - the Big Space - what we like to call - Life, the Universe & Everything.

Chidambaram is a meeting point. Between the miniscule and the magnificent. Between concept & creation. A portal that connects several worlds. That connects the Space of your Mind with that of the Universe - till you realize they are the same.


How do you manage to say so much without giving significance to details? Good job .. enjoyed it.
angad said…
tht was really interesting and ...... NICE!

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