#5days5poems #Day1 - Raining
But Mother, it’s still raining.
I am afraid
This incessant flow wouldn’t ever stop.
These bold drops of water – now rivulets –
Pouring down my windows
Have joined the deluge
Will this house drown, Mother?
Look Mother, it did stop raining!
I see now –
My world is washed anew.
My parched soul is quenched
And little shoots of a thousand new lives
Brazenly stir inside me
Laughing and confident.
How I needed that rain!
Yes Mother, it is now over.
Those bittersweet smells of wet earth have lost the fight
To early flowers of possibility.
The air is clear. My skies are whole again.
It is the season to go forth.
I have finally wiped the windows dry,
These windows to my soul.
Yes Mother, I have stopped the raining.
(c) Deepa Duraiswamy